

Good morning!

Sorry that I have not updated on such a long time, but I have kind of forgot. :P Anyway, Yesterday was a fun day! I went with Cristi and her host family to a pumpkin patch somewhere around Birmingham. They had a huge field with pumpkins and Cristi and I walked around pretty much the whole field to find our pumpkins. They had green, orange, red, and white pumpkins. Later on we are going to cut our pumpkins! It’s going to be fun; I have never done that before.


It’s my birthday soon. About three weeks!  Then it’s just one year until I can drive! Awesome!

It’s starting to get cold here too now, but it changes very fast. One day it can be very cold and the next it’s so hot! I was told that sometimes they have had t-shirts on Christmas without any need of a jacket because it’s so hot. I wish this Christmas is going to be hot! The Christmas trees look different! They have long needles and are very compact. Funny! It’s going to be so fun with Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Around thanksgiving I am going to my first school dance probably! :D


Tjoo! My week have been okay. I’m starting to get sick, or I am sick.. I think it’s a cold so I’ll be fine! J

Yesterday Cristi and I went with her host dad to Alabama’s Pioneer Museum. It was very fun. It was like walking through the time, maybe that’s the point with it, but that just prove it.

I bought some nail polish too. Wild and Crazy. Haha one color is really CRAZY! ^^ I like it very much. I know that my guitar teacher do not like when you have nail polish, but I can not resist it anymore!


Next weekend I will try to make some bread and cinnamon rolls. Miss them and I love to bake, just need the ingredients.


Today I’m going to do some pottery things and try to as much of my homework that is possible, have a notebook test in English and I have a lot of things I did not know we were supposed to do so I have to do them now. Crazy!


This month is also the craft month. If you want to you can make something with craft and you can put pictures on a “blog” and read what others have made. I’m starting with knitting. Have a nice Sunday!


World is not always fair.

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