
So another week passed by as a lightning. This Tuesday I brought my bang to the game club. I love that game. I killed Kevin twice! xD First as an outlaw then when Alena needed to go he took over as a sheriff and then I killed him again. Oh well I did not do the killing shot but three life in a row. Let me see what did I do the rest of the week… Thursday was kind of a lazy day, almost all of my classes were just to sit there and entertain myself. Then in the end of the day they announced that the schools were going to be closed Friday because it was going to snow. I got a little sad, I wanted one year without snow, but at the same time I am glad the Cristi got to see snow. After school I went home to Cristi and fell asleep on her couch… I was tired… Anyway next day before seven Cristi’s host mom came in and told Cristi to look outside. “SNOOOOW” was the response and it took her less then a second to run outside. It was kind of hilarious. A little later I went out with Cristi to play in the snow, since it was her first snow. The rest of the day I was just lazy and did not do much more than watching tv.


Yesterday I spend almost all day doing note cards for my English paper. We have to do at least 10 source cards and then ten note cards for every source. I am half way! Whoohoo! I am planning to do two more today and then some more Monday, because we are out of school! It is so nice with a four day weekend; especially since we do not have a vacation until March. Today is Valentines Day. Later on I am going to go and by a birthday present for Victoria. She is having a sleep over soon that I am invited to. Then Kevin, Whitney, Alaron, and I are going to the movies and probably eat somewhere. We are going to see the Valentines Day movie. I hope it is good. The commercials make it look very funny. Then Wednesday I am getting a haircut! I am so excited! I am hoping for something different!



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